Why write a journal ?

The idea of ​​writing articles around Etosoto, we is a place in order to improve the development of the project. We are convinced that all the initiatives put in place today to consume and to think differently and to defend “virtuous growth”, we can help you to deepen our research and clarify our approach. And insofar as the project is “ecological”, all the interconnected themes take their full meaning in this context.

Thus, in parallel with the very concrete information that we will post on the progress of the project, we will put in place editorial oriented ideas, currents, philosophies around the “live well”. Ecology, agriculture, holistic medicine, food, anthropology, etc., are as many passengers and inevitable as we are awakening to a new, more global and healthier approach. We deal with concrete subjects such as permaculture and vegetarian cooking, but we also wish to have the views of sociologists, researchers, thinkers who will have the desire to share with us their knowledge, their views on the current society, its evolution , his awareness and thus bring us a relevant and passionate look that will awaken us to another form of thought and action, and so on on exchange. For we are convinced that it is through exchange that things are built up on a long-term basis.

“How can we build a world more in harmony with nature and find a form of personal knowledge without feeling guilty about our individualism? “,” How do we convey less consumer-oriented values ​​to our children? “,” Commentary advancing in life without ambition and desire for social success do not damage reflection and values? “Is it a total contradiction to want to possess material things, while wanting to” do good “to our planet? “,” How to accumulate things not on a need without becoming a slave of material things? Gandhi did not say at the time: “If a machine is useful to you, keep it. If it you and indispensable, throw it away! “…? These are the questions that allow us to continue to develop … And if, by exchanging with specialists we could have been not-a beginning element of response, we would be delighted.

The very idea of ​​interrogating it, for example, a sociologist who will tell us the art of decay by explaining us with simple and accessible words; a philosopher who will speak of happiness to us today; a neuroscientist who will tell us how meditation can have an impact on the creation of new neurons; or a craftsman working ceramics as a person; a “raw food” chef or a farmer practicing permaculture etc. In any case it will be passion and belief in a better world, more just for the Earth, nature and made for the human being that will bind all those people who want – like us – to move things forward.

The articles will be reading notes whose sources will be cited. They should therefore not be taken as precise summaries, nor as direct writings, since they will also contain our personal reflections. We want to make it clear, however, that we do not pretend to change the world. We are well aware that this remains a holiday destination. But during the period when the project is being developed, where it is being built, we would like to give it depth and we are convinced that opinion leaders can help us to bring the project to fruition under the best possible conditions because we alone will not live up to our ambitions.

It is a long and difficult project to come up, there is necessarily an aspect and economic constraints but we are also and above all enthusiasts who want to open a strong place with ideas in agreement with who we are. Today there will be no revolution because the revolution is made by the progressive, subterranean, yet active shift of our consciousnesses, and it is the ideas and their transmission that make the world of today change gradually . The idea of ​​a revolution that happens day by day, with our “collective individualism” and therefore in our daily life and our approach to consumption, seems to us more likely. And as Henry David Thoreau said in Civil Disobedience: “No one has the responsibility, but everyone must accomplish something.” And this responsibility for everyday life can only be achieved through culture and information because we are convinced that it is by reading, documenting and therefore by transmission that consciousnesses will awaken. Besides, not being experts in the matter and drawing our inspiration from our readings, a new world opened to us. A world where suddenly the sense of free will is growing day by day.

Moreover, travel is one of the rare moments when disconnection with its daily life is possible. The brain becomes mechanically more open, more permeable and therefore more receptive to integrate new information. Relaxation promotes curiosity, so why not take advantage of this moment to feed intellectually as well?