Intermittent Fasting is good for you!

Fasting has always been an important part of staying healthy and can address several needs, such as nutritional or dietary ones.
« Intermittent fasting » refers to periods of fasting followed by periods of feeding, especially by refraining from any solid diet.
It’s all about finding the right balance between these two practices.
The typical daily intermittent fasting diet is called a 16:8, where there are 16 hours a day of fasting and 8 hours a day of eating.

Who can fast?

In our daily life, we already have periods of fasting. For example, « breakfast » is called « break-fast » because while we’re sleeping, we aren’t eating anything. As soon as we wake up, we are supposed to eat something: the first meal of the day. In fact, most people generally fast for about 12 hours, and by doing so simply extend that fasting period by a few more hours, with great effects for their bodies.
Fasting is for anyone wishing to take care of their body and mind and who is concerned about their health. In addition, fasting puts practitioners in touch with the voice of responsible eating. Upon registration, you will receive information on the preparation of your trip, but especially the food mode to follow before you come. We offer 6-day courses that require food preparation and recovery, which in all correspond to a cycle of three weeks.

Why should we fast?

-Reduce fat: When you follow intermittent fasting, your metabolic rate increases, and thus so does the number of calories your body burns in a day. Combining intermittent fasting with intensive exercise lets you lose fat, not body mass.
-Improve your health: Research shows that intermittent fasting supports immune function. This means it can keep you from getting sick as well as improve your metabolism and make it easier for your body to recover after a workout. Faced with the ageing of the body and its tissues, and to prevent disease, we can act to improve our condition in accordance with nature, especially through changes to our diet. Fasting also allows the resolution of small health problems such as acne, asthma, osteoarthritis, mild depression, eczema, endometriosis, hypertension, headaches, nervousness, painful periods, digestive problems, constipation, sleep disorders…and much more!
-Help break the rhythm: Practicing intermittent fasting helps to erase what’s called our « Food Clock ». This universal clock helps to signal when it’s time to eat or sleep, not thanks to sunlight but rather thanks to the meals we’re taking. So, when we change time zones or follow a new rhythm, our body clock must adjust to the change and we often feel tired. For this reason, it can be health and helpful, from time to time, not to think about food! Thus, thanks to intermittent fasting, it’s easy to have a much more flexible diet.
-More convenience: Fasting also helps to strengthen one’s mental abilities, ease decision-making, increase creativity and judgment, and choose to adopt healthier eating habits.

What about fasting at Etosoto?

« I’m a health practitioner who graduated from a famous school. I have as my primary vocation the demonstration of fasting as one of the oldest and most natural methods of self-healing. Refraining from any solid diet for a few days allows the body to feed itself with autolysis: getting rid of old cells and damaged tissue. Thus toxins are eliminated, the process of cellular regeneration is accelerated, the immune defenses are stimulated. »
Celeste Candido is naturopath, trained in fasting by Gisbert Bölling and Désiré Mérien. For more than 15 years she has been running her own fasting and hiking courses, first at Salutterre and then at Esprit Jeûne.
From 12th May to 25th May, Celeste will be at Etosoto to give you her best advice! The experience is professional and personalized, intended for anyone wishing to take care of their body and mind in order to regain good health.

To book a room or a session, please click here
+34 944 580 001 –